Experience The Difference With BodyCraft DFT Functional Trainer

The BodyCraft EXP Series DFT Functional Trainer features a smart design, providing a wide range of exercises in a compact space. It offers adjustable weight increments and a 2:1 pulley ratio for easy intensity control and progression. From the multi-grip pull-up bar to color-coded adjustment points and illustrated exercise placards, it ensures intuitive use for all users and trainers.

Let’s take a look at some of the features and benefits that the BodyCraft EXP Series DFT Functional Trainer has to offer:

  • Instructive Placard: Offers a visual of optional exercises or attach a Connect 22” Touchscreen Tablet, enabling workout videos, and personalized fitness resources.

  • Dual Adjustable Rotating Pulleys: The EXP Series DFT Functional Trainer featured two independently adjustable 250 lb. upgradable weight stacks and pulley systems. This allows users to perform a wide range of exercises and target various muscle groups simultaneously or individually.

  • Solid Build Quality: BodyCraft is known for producing high-quality fitness equipment, and the EXP Series DFT is no exception. Featuring a sturdy frame and heavy-duty cables, ensuring durability and stability during workouts.

  • Versatile Exercise Options: With a wide variety of cable attachments and exercise options, users can perform exercises such as chest press, rows, pull-downs, cable crossovers, leg exercises, and more. This versatility makes it suitable for strength training, functional training, and rehabilitation exercises.

  • Smith Machine Option: Smith machine adds even more exercise variety to the machine. This allowed for guided and controlled barbell exercises like squats, bench presses, and shoulder presses.

  • Compact Footprint: Despite its versatility, the DFT Functional Trainer has a compact footprint compared to other gym systems, making it a good choice for those with limited space.

  • Easy Adjustability: Quick and easy adjustments of the pulley heights and positions make it convenient for users to transition between different exercises and adapt the machine to their workout needs.

  • Accessories and Attachments: The EXP Series DFT comes with a range of included accessories, such as handles, bars, and ankle straps, expanding the exercise options and providing good value for users. Optional Flat/Incline Bench is also available for purchase and adds additional workout options.

If you would like to learn more about the BodyCraft DFT Functional Trainer or interested in new BodyCraft products, then let Gym Source be your single source solution.